Friday, June 14, 2013

Olomana Hike

With the day off I took the opportunity to tackle the Olomana hike. The Olomana trail treks up to the peak of a mountain then follows a connecting ridge to two other mountain peaks. There are three peaks in total. The trail has a reputation of being one of the most dangerous and challenging trails on the island. Most people hike to the first mountain peak and then turn back. I've hiked to the first peak once before but this time I was determined to make it to all 3 peaks.
This was the first hike of this level of difficulty that I've done solo. Getting to the top of the first peak took less than an hour and wasn't too difficult since I was familiar with the trail up to that point. For the most part it's standard “walking through the forest” type of hiking but there are a few climbing sections. There are ropes to help get through these areas. One thing to remember on this hike: trust the ropes, they're you're friend.
The wall before peak 1
Right before the 1st peak there's a vertical rock wall, about 20 feet high, that you have to climb up. This is the first test for those who are iffy about climbing. Some play it safe and go no further (nothing wrong with that), some need a little extra motivation and help to get up the wall, while others simply go for it and climb up. When I first climbed the wall I took it slow and steady, making sure to find good grips in the rocks before climbing. There's also a rope, which I always kept a hand on. Having scaled this wall once before, it was no problem the second time and I just scurried up the thing, still with a firm grip on the rope though.
Once over the wall the trail narrows because it now follows the ridge at the top of the mountain. There's still plenty of room to walk but it's a good idea to keep an eye on where you're going. If you want to take in the view, stop and then look. There is some brief rock climbing in order to reach the first peak. Nothing vertical though. The climbing wasn't tough climb I was careful to maintain solid contact with the rock. If I slipped there's a good chance I'd catch myself but there's also a chance I could go over the mountainside. If that happened the fall would definitely result in death.
I stopped at the first peak to take a breather, have sip from my camelbak, and to take some pictures. Since I was hiking solo I text messaged a friend to say where I was and posted a picture on Instagram. I let several people know I was hiking that day and posting pictures was a way to show how I was doing and to prove I was still alive and hadn't fallen off the mountain.
Notice the ropes disappear over the edge
After a few moments at the top of peak 1, it was off to peak 2. I was venturing into unknown territory so I kept reminding myself to take my time and keep my eyes on the trail. The descent from peak 1 wasn't very tricky. I just followed the trail and the climb to peak 2 wasn't much of a climb but more like walking uphill. No problem. It felt like less than 20 minutes to go from peak 1 to peak 2.
However, the descent from peak 2 will certainly test your nerve. Definitely not for the faint at heart. When I reached the peak and spotted where to go to reach peak 3, I was greeted by the sight of ropes going over the edge of the mountain. Trust the rope, I kept telling myself. I grabbed a rope, faced the mountain, and began making my way down. It wasn't quite vertical so I could spot where to put my feet. The rope was sturdy and held my weight just fine. I made it through the first part of the descent okay but the next part was a different story.
The next rope section got tricky. At one point things went nearly vertical and I couldn't spot where my feet were going. I really had to rely on the rope, lean away from the mountainside, and full on repel down. Trust the rope, trust the rope. I moved real slow and careful and inched my way down. At one point I even had to stop to settle my nerves. Not being able to see where I was going and knowing that a slip could result in death was freaking me out a bit. But I took a few breaths and kept going. I probably spent 10-15 minutes on that section alone because I moved so slow but I made it safely to the next section of the descent.
The view of peak 3 from
the top of peak 2
The next section wasn't vertical, thank god, but there's still a rope. I kept a hand on the rope but for the most part I climbed down the rock without using it much. That was it for the descent, I took a deep breath relieved that I made it okay and continued along the trail toward peak 3.
When looking at peak 3 from a distance the trail looks extremely narrow but once on it I found it wasn't all that bad. I would have to purposely walk off the trail or completely not pay attention to where I was going to fall off...and yes falling off would result in death. But I had plenty of room to walk as long I stayed on the trail. However, I did find myself slipping around on the dirt in the section immediately following the descent. Mental note: get actual hiking shoes or trail running shoes...old running shoes just don't have enough grip sometimes.
One of the final rope climbs
leading tothe top of peak 3
The climb to the third peak isn't a walk in the park but after descending the 2nd peak it wasn't all that bad. There were a few rope sections, which helped with the climbs, and the rocks offer plenty of places to get a good grip for climbing. There were some very cool rock formations along the way too. It took about 25 minutes to reach the top of peak 3.
The view from the 3rd peak is pretty awesome. To be honest it isn't much different from the view from the other two peaks but because of the work done to get there, it's just that much more satisfying. I relaxed at the top for a few minutes, ate an apple, took some pictures, and posted a pic onto Instagram. Had to prove I made it...and hadn't died. Then it was time to head back. I was looking forward to heading back because I had experienced the trail and I was excited to climb back up to the 2nd peak. I find it's always easier to climb up than it is to go down.
Cool looking rocks

I was still careful along the trail, used the ropes, and took my time to get a good grip on the rocks when needed. When I reached the climb back up to the 2nd peak, it felt like I was looking straight up...couldn't believe I scaled down the thing. But going up, it looked like fun. I grabbed the rope and hauled my way back up. Descending from the 2nd peak took a long time but climbing up only took about 5 minutes. Trust the ropes, their your friends, and they held up just fine. I was back on top of peak 2 and heading back to peak 1 in no time.
Celebration Apple!

When I reached peak 1 I noticed there were more people on the trail. It was around noon. I made it to the first rock wall and scaled down it with no problem. Again, after descending the 2nd peak, a 20 foot wall is no problem. The rest of the way back down was easy going. I passed several people. All were friendly and some asked how the trail was up ahead. Most were going to the first peak and only a few were going to brave the triple peak trek. Kudos to those people.

The climb back up to the top of peak 2
descending this kinda freaked me out

The entire hike took me about 4 hours. My 1.5 liter camelbak was plenty of water for me. I had a few snacks in my pack but I only ate an apple. The hike would have been much smoother if I had some actual trail shoes and some gloves. I definitely thickened up a few callouses from climbing all the ropes and rocks. After the hike I drove into Kailua and got a bacon avocado burger and a vanilla shake from Teddy's. Good eating after conquering Olomana...felt like victory!

Panoramic from the top of peak 3 with peaks 1 & 2 in the distance

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Taste of Hawaii Weekend

It's that time again! Time to sample dozens of dishes put out by some of the best restaurants and chefs around Kauai while meandering through a lush botanical garden at the annual Taste of Hawaii. I flew into Kauai on Friday night ready for a Sunday of delicious gluttony. Little did I know that my family was planning a barbeque on Saturday. And the way we do barbeques is to prepare more food than know what to do with, and then somehow make room on the table for the dishes our friends and relatives bring. So now my entire weekend became about eating and eating some more. No complaints here!

Happy Hour!

Saturday's feasting began at breakfast. My aunty and uncle flew in from Oahu that morning, so my parents and I picked them up at the airport and went to Danny's, a local spot where everyone knows my parents. Another uncle met us there so we had a nicely sized group. When it came time to decide on breakfast I was torn. I really wanted eggs but one of their specials was chocolate chip pancakes. Which one to get?? So I did the only sensible thing one can do in that situation and got both. A kalua pig omelet with hash browns and a side of chocolate chip pancakes. It was fantastic and I didn't let any of it go to waste.

Later that morning I asked my dad what time the barbeque started and he answered with, “happy hour starts at 4:30!” as he eyed a bottle of scotch. Sure enough, when 4:30 came along he was pouring himself a glass of Glenlivet 12 naturally, I followed suit. Cheers!

Grilled Opihi and Chili Pepper Water

When the actual barbeque began we served up chicken, kalbi beef, three types of brats, some salads, and there was a Bloody Mary bar. I stuck to scotch. There were about a dozen of us, all family and friends, and one of the big food highlights was my mom's bag of freshly caught opihi. For those who don't know, an opihi is a limpet found on shoreline rocks. It's considered a real local treat. It's also the inspiration behind the name of our family's chocolate opihi. Now I'm not a big seafood fan, but my mom grilled them up with a splash of chili-pepper water so I figured I'd give it a try. Not sure how to describe it. It's not like a shrimp or an oyster, it's like an opihi. Kind of chewy with a definite taste of the sea. Wasn't my thing, it tasted too, umm...I don't know it just didn't jive with my palate.

Roasting Marshmallows
After dinner it was dessert time. Among our choices we had Coco Puffs from Liliha Bakery, homemade pistachio cake, and fresh lychee. I had some of each but I was most excited for roasted marshmallows and s'mores. Oh yeah, that's right! I saw a bag of jumbo sized marshmallows earlier in the day and decided that was going to be my dessert and I made sure we had everything needed to make s'mores too. We got graham crackers and my brother brought some chunks of chocolate from the shop, which my dad grated into chocolate shavings. Forget Hershey's we got the good stuff! Dang, those white fluffs of heaven roasted up perfectly over the grill, oozed over the cracker, melted the chocolate, and fit perfectly on my taste buds. So good. Afterward, I was thoroughly stuffed, and looking forward to having another feast the next day at the Taste of Hawaii.

Roasted Pig with Flat-Bread
We got to Smith's Tropical Garden on Sunday soon after the doors opened. We were greeted by live music and peacocks followed by dozens of food vendors. The crowd wasn't too bad and I commenced stuffing my face, one sample at a time. There were various steak dishes, seldom pork offerings, a couple chicken plates, lots of seafood, a few desserts, some salads, and plenty of drinks. I tried just about everything and even though I'm not a huge seafood fan I still sampled it...hey gotta at least try it out right?
Bacon wrapped scallop

My favorite dish of the day was a simple one: roasted pig served with a piece of flat-bread. The pig was tender, juicy, and flavorful and the flat-bread complimented in nicely. One of the more refreshing dishes was a kale salad. It had bits of tomato, pineapple, and bacon in it. Hey, bacon makes everything better. Of the seafood I sampled I liked the grilled shrimp with a chipotle sauce on top of some kind of polenta thing. There were also a couple vendors serving scallops. One was a simple pan fried scallop with corn on some kind of sauce. Wasn't all that great. When I came to the next scallop vendor I thought about skipping it until I noticed it was grilled and wrapped in bacon. That one was awesome! Bacon really does make everything better.

Kale Salad with Bacon
Of the desserts, a couple stood out. One was a bread pudding with whiskey sauce. If you know anything about me, you know that anything whiskey automatically gets bumped a few notches higher on my list. The bread pudding itself was pretty good and the whiskey sauce might as well have just been whiskey because that's what it tasted like...and there's nothing wrong with that at all. Then there was Kawaii Cupcakes (I like the name). FYI, Kawaii, which sounds just like Kauai, is Japanese for cute. They offered mini-cupcakes in five different flavors: red velvet, lychee, lilikoi, smores, and key lime. I tried all of them and the lychee was my favorite.
Thai Iced Tea

The drink options were plentiful. The beers were good but honestly, when is beer not good? The most refreshing spirited drink of the day goes to the sangria. As for non-spirited drinks, there was a nice Thai iced tea. The people at Nani Moon were offering mead, which got me excited. When I hear mead I think of a strong, honey-flavored drink had by the Vikings...totally awesome. However, their mead wasn't like that. It was mixed with other flavors and fruits and things. Although not a Viking drink, there still was really good.

All and all it was a delicious day. I only managed one lap around the event and I was thoroughly stuffed. I had no room for seconds of anything. What a great weekend! Food, family, more food, and even more food. Eating epically, it's good from time to time :)
Taste of Hawaii