Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Last year I had a 30-by-30 list of goals which got me moving and doing new things (check out how I did here). I'm continuing it this year with a 31-by-31. It's 31 things to accomplish by the time I turn 31 years old. The list is different, and so is the timeframe. Last year I made the 30-by-30 list about 4 and a half months before my 30th birthday. Not a whole lot of time. This time I'm giving myself a whole year.

  1. Get my book, Hunters - Rising, published in print. Currently it's a free ebook available here
  2. ePublish another book. Not necessarily Hunters 2 (although it would be awesome if I finish it that quickly) but any book.
  3. Enhance my book, Hunters - Rising. I know there's quite a few edits to be made regarding spelling, grammar, etc. I may want to add some more content to expand more on the characters. But mostly I want to add some visuals like pics of characters, monsters, and most importantly a map of Arlynd.
  4. Donate to charity...on my own, not through work
  5. Get involved with a group, whether it be online or in person.
  6. Contribute to Wikipedia
  7. Adopt a tsunami siren
  8. Read “Aspects of a Novel” by E.M. Forster. It's a book recommended by James Franco, yes the same James Franco from the movies. He recommended it on a radio show I heard.
  9. Create and print a business card for myself
  10. Teach somebody a skill
  11. Volunteer. On my own, not through work
  12. Drink something from the top shelf (hey, it wouldn't be me if there wasn't a liquor related goal would it?)
  13. Read a classic (Moby Dick, Mark Twain, Shakespeare, and the like)
  14. Read an author recommended book. It'd be interesting to see what my favorite authors read.
  15. Read a book about somebody great. Biography, autobiography...either works
  16. Surf a wave. I've tried...and failed...many times...I think I should try again
  17. Mix a tropical fruit inspired cocktail (hey, another liquor-related goal!)
  18. Win a medal in a jiu-jitsu competition
  19. Set a personal record in this year's Great Aloha Run
  20. Go star gazing, find the Southern Cross or some other constellation
  21. Win a jiu-jitsu match in competition by submission
  22. Write for a magazine or newspaper
  23. Do an obstacle run (Warrior Dash, Spartan Race, or similar) for time. Preferably I'd like to have a friendly race against somebody...maybe there could be a wager to make it interesting
  24. See a 20+ foot wave. I know this was on my previous list but the waves didn't get big before my birthday and I still want to see it
  25. Eat pancakes from Boots and Kimo. I've been hearing about this place for years but have never been there...the line is always ridiculously long. I figure it's time to finally see what it's all about.
  26. Cook a seafood dish. For those who don't know, I'm not a fan of seafood so accomplishing this goal will require me to expand my horizons a bit.
  27. Read a book by William Faulkner. This guy gets mentioned a lot, figure I should give him a look.
  28. Read a book of poetry by Billy Collins. Heard him on a radio show, sounds pretty interesting and worth a look. I don't read enough poetry anyway...that's probably true for most of us.
  29. Decorate my place with at least 3 pieces of art. I'm surrounded by white walls...the place could be livened up a bit
  30. Read a grammar handbook. Yes, I'm well aware that I'm a C- at best when it comes to grammar
  31. Draft Hunters 2. Those who read the first know there's a 2nd coming ;)