Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Haiku - Corporate Emergency

Office 9-1-1!
The air conditioning's out,
I can't take the heat!

Inspired by events from the office. It's ironic, our building is almost all glass but there isn't a single window. It's like the architects were trying to keep the fresh air out, perhaps it's bad for productivity. Anyways, because of this design when the air conditioning goes out the office swelters, the air gets stuffy, things get rather uncomfortable, and there are plenty of people to make you aware of it.

 Those privileged enough to make their own schedules will flock away to "work from home." It's simply unbearable...

I get a kick out of it.

1 comment:

  1. There are a very few people who choose to have the option to utilize an alternative work schedule. In our case if at any time we feel uncomfortable, know that everyone in our office have the option to leave for the day. We don't want anyone to work in conditions they cannot stand. In fact, leadership will send staff home when it gets warm and uncomfortable and work in their place.
