Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Writer's Indecision

I haven't written a blog in a while. I thought I had a case of writer's block. I couldn't decide if I wanted to write about my fitness training, hiking, the struggles I'm experiencing as a writer (or should I say aspiring writer), some general musing, or post another office-related haiku. As I debated what to write about, I ended up not writing anything at all.

I didn't have writer's block. I had writer's indecision.

And I'm experiencing the same thing in other facets of life. As mentioned above, I'm aspiring to be a writer and I'm currently working on a story that I hope to one day see published as a novel. But lately I've been stuck trying to decide where to take the story. I have the end in mind, but not sure exactly how to get there. Should I introduce a new character? Should I take the characters on a brief side-adventure? Should I introduce a villain? Should I do nothing and keep thinking about it? Yeah...

There's a lot I want to do when it comes to fitness. In recent months I've been focused on training jiu-jitsu. But I've wanted to get back in to running and swimming. Last year I ran a lot and did fairly well in some events I entered (see my past blog about the Great Aloha Run for a recap). And swimming is fantastic. There's something about swimming in the Hawaii ocean that just makes me feel balanced and good. Recently I made some new friends that go hiking almost every weekend and I've had a great time on the few hikes I've done. I'd like to do more. But then there's the problem: jiu-jitsu, run, swim, hike...it's tough to fit them all in my schedule. And the more I try to decide what to do, the more indecisive I become.

Take last weekend for example. I wanted to go to jiu-jitsu training and practice some new techniques I've learned. But I also wanted to go hiking. The group was going a pretty fun looking trail I've never been on that offered great views at the top. The dilema: both were on the same day at the same time. I debated with myself all week long. Hike or jiu-jitsu, practice a cool new technique or check out an awesome view, do one or do the other...Yeah, so I ended up oversleeping and missing out on both. Figures right?

I'm pretty sure there's a lesson in there...

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