Sunday, July 1, 2012

Abs Contest - Judgment Day

I has arrived! The day we've been anticipating for the past 6 months. It was time to strip off our shirts, suck in our guts, and flex whatever muscles we've been able to develop in our cores. It's judging time for the abs contest!

When the contest began I knew I would have to drop at least 10 lbs to even have a chance at being competitive. And I did, in fact I've lost about 16 lbs since February. Having cut some weight off I then knew I had to get to working out the midsection. I did that too. Since the UFC gym opened I've been going regularly and I haven't ignored the core workouts. I like the results I've been seeing and it gave me a little confidence for the contest.

Last week I wrote a little about my strategy and the other contestants. The “young guy” is my friend Jimmy, and the “endurance athlete” is my friend Waimea. Each of them had their advantages and disadvantages at the start of the contest. Jimmy has a high metabolism and is naturally slim but his core may not have been as developed at the start of the competition. Waimea has always had a strong core but he eats a lot and has the roundest midsection of the three of us. As for myself, I have a strong core but I've always maintained a pudge layer in my midsection. Since the start we've all put in effort to chisel our midsections and it's time to see what each of us now has to put forward to the judges.

We all met at the Queens Beach Cafe and we got right to it. Our judges, Laura and Tony, were preselected several months ago and ready to witness our abdominal awesomeness. We stripped our shirts off and gave them an eyeful. Laura and Tony used photographs to judge. So they busted out an iPhone and began snapping away. We took a group picture with all three of us then did individual pics. The two judges went off on their own to confer. We put our shirts back on and awaited the result.
Greer, Waimea, and Jimmy. It's like a reverse Oreo

After about 5 minutes they came back and told us to take off our shirts again. They said it was too close to call so they needed us to do another round and “really flex” this time. At this moment I was wondering if I might actually have a chance of winning. “Too close to tell” was a good sign for me.

Off came the shirts again. Tony and Laura took another round of individual pictures. This time we really sucked it in and flexed. Again, the judges conferred and we waited. For a moment I was hopeful that I might have a chance of winning. They came back and were ready to make their announcement.

And the winner is....Waimea!!

I was shocked. I didn't even react. When they announced the winner I was expecting it to be Jimmy. He had been the favorite since the beginning. So when they said Waimea it actually took a moment for the words to register. I think the same thing happened with the others because we were all silent. Even Waimea was expecting Jimmy to be the winner. It made sense too. He's the slimmest of the three of us and has the least amount of fat to get in the way of revealing muscle. But the judges had spoken. Big congrats to Waimea. I handed him his prize money, shook his hand, and told him good job.

 I think I look a bit hairy, and dang I'm white!
The winner!
Not a single hair on him...

At the time I was a bit confused about the judge's decision. We all expected Jimmy to win but it was Waimea. What did the judges see? Before the contest began I had asked Laura to e-mail me any pictures she took so I could use them in this blog. I went home and opened my e-mail. And I must say, after looking at the pictures the judges made the right choice. Waimea's abs look the best. Kudos my friend, well done!

The abs contest was fun. It gave me extra motivation to workout and get fit. There was some competitive camaraderie among the three of us which made things interesting and fun. I wouldn't mind doing it again. Maybe we can switch it up next time. Best legs, or best arms, or who can run a mile the fastest, or who can hold a plank the longest while balancing a Starbucks iced tea on their back.

Now that the contest is over I can relax on my workouts and take it easy. Right? Nope, don't think so! I plan to utilize the gym and continue my quest for fitness. My goal is to put some more muscle on my frame and lower my body fat percentage. I also want to get back into jiu-jitsu and learn some other martial arts at the UFC gym so I can mix up my workouts while learning new things. I'll definitely be dropping some blogs about that in the future, and if we ever do another fitness contest you can be sure there will be blogs for that as well.

Congrats to all of us. We all made strides in our fitness throughout the contest, and of course a big congrats to Waimea. As he would put it: Cheee Heee!

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