Monday, June 6, 2011

Taste of Hawaii

The weekend of gluttony is on! Well, it's actually over now but about 12 hours ago it was on! The Taste of Hawaii held at the Smith's Tropical Paradise – a botanical garden near Kapa'a. A nice setting with plenty of greenery and nice looking plants that I know nothing about. So onto the food!

The event is all-you-can eat and drink. Stands are set up throughout the garden serving food and all you do is go up and grab. The first stop was a pork adobo fried rice dish. It was wrapped in egg giving it an omelet feel. There were only a few pieces of pork on the plate but they were good. All and all it was good stuff. Right next to the adobo stand was a honey french toast with some kind of fruit topping, I think it was guava. Nevertheless, it was awesome. So there was an omelet and french toast. Felt like I was having breakfast, good start.

Up next was an onion tart. It looked like a small pop-tart with an herbal cream cheese spread with caramelized onions on top of it. Sounded odd, looked odd, so why not? Good thing I tried it because it was awesome.

We moved onto the next section of the garden. First we hit up a seafood stand. Not my thing because I'm not much of a seafood fan. It was a sweet-potato, a piece of grilled ahi, some type of sauce and a ginger foam on top. The foam was...well it was weird. But overall it was pretty good, especially considering it was a seafood thing. That area also had cookies, spaghetti and meatballs, wine, beer, a beef skewer, and a shrimp tempura. The spaghetti was pretty good but the were pretty bad. Cookies...can't mess up a cookie. Wine – good, beer – good, shrimp – not bad, meat skewer - pretty damn awesome.

The next area had some interesting stuff. First up was a kalua chicken tostada drizzled with poi. Yeah...drizzled with poi, that was different. Tasted pretty good because the kalua flavor masked the poi (not a poi fan). Next was a fried tako, skipped that, it looked gross. Then there was Chef Roy's stand. He served a “pepa” shave ice with raw fish. It looked really unique and people were saying it was really good so I gave it a try. Yeah, it was fish flavored shave ice. Gross. Then I had some sort of chili looking dish with a large slice of Portuguese sausage. Had a good spice that gave it a sort of southern feel. It was really good. Then there was smoked meat which was okay but would've been better if it hadn't been sitting out for a while.

By this time I had sampled a lot of food, most of it good, and I was halfway through the Taste of Hawaii. I finished the beer I was drinking and headed to the next area.

I was greeted by free-love music, a liquid aloha stand, and “all natural” food stands. I quickly realized I was in the hippie zone. My nose started twitching and my eyes felt hazy. Have I ever mentioned that I'm allergic to hippie? Anyway, I tried some humus - nothing special, and skipped most of the other “all natural” foods because they were mostly chips or some herbal thing that really didn't look too appetizing. I moved on.

My sinuses cleared up remarkably fast once I left the hippie section. I found a Chinese pork dish with some kind of 5-spice sauce. It was really damn good. Then I found a stand tucked behind a tree serving wasabi braised beef. Not a wasabi fan but the beef was so good it didn't matter. The thing was delicious. There was Indian curry, grilled chicken pesto, duck lumpia, and grilled bbq chicken served on a potato chip. The curry was good, but I think I'd still rather have Curry House. The chicken pesto thing looked like a green crab cake...but with chicken. Wasn't that good. I took two bites and tossed the rest. The duck lumpia was really good. Only problem was it was a hot dish and by now the sun was high and hot. The bbq chicken seemed odd because it was served on a ruffle potato chip but the saltiness of the chip went very well with the sweetness of the sauce. It was good stuff. Jamba Juice had a stand in that area. They offered coconut water combined with strawberry lemonade. It was really good and refreshing.

I crossed over an arched Japanese-style bridge and made my way into the final area. I was starting to feel full but had enough room to sample a few more things. I tried a taro patty served on top of bread. One bite was all I wanted to take. It went straight into the trash after that. There was another braised beef dish that was good but nothing special especially after the one I had earlier.

Then I found the drink stand I had been looking for: Honey Mead. I had heard about this drink. A fermented honeyed spirit. A strong drink with good taste. The drink of the Vikings! I was excited to try it. I approached the stand and saw a golden drink poured over slices of pineapple. Wait a sec...pineapple? I doubt the Vikings had pineapple in their drink. What the was this? I talked to the people serving the drink and learned that it was white wine with guava, pineapple, and honey. I guess the fact that there was honey in it gave them the idea of calling this drink mead, but this was certainly not mead. It was white wine with a hint of pineapple. Despite my disappointment in not getting to sample some mead I still had two cups of the false-mead...hey the advertising may have been misleading but there's nothing wrong with wine.

I had come full circle, my stomach felt satisfied, and there was just one thing left to do: go back around and get seconds of my favorites. Got me another beer, an onion tart, a beef skewer, and a cookie...can't go wrong with a cookie. I finished the day off with some Lapperts ice cream, good stuff.

Back at home we all enjoyed the kanak-attack. My brother lied on the couch playing Plants vs Zombies on his phone. My mom, dad, aunty, and uncle relaxed in their seats while talking story. I lied back in a bed that's set up in the living room and played on my dad's guitar. We basically lounged around the rest of the day like a bunch of lazy cats. It was awesome.

So the glutton-fest comes to an end. Good eats, good people, good times. I wonder how much weight I've gained over the weekend...

1 comment:

  1. Damn you pig ass bastard, translation is I'm jealous.
