Friday, January 24, 2014

31-By-31 New Year Update

Happy New Year everybody! Yeah, it's a few weeks gone by already but better late than never. Figured I'd make the first blog of the new year about the goals I set for myself and how I'm doing on them. Oh, and I changed one of the goals too. So much to do...
  1. Get my book, Hunters - Rising, published in print. Currently it's a free ebook available here I've determined that I do not want to self-publish to get it in print. That means doing it the old fashioned way and sending it off to publishers and/or agents. However, I will need to finish goal #3 before I can get started on this one.
  2. ePublish another book. Not necessarily Hunters 2 (although it would be awesome if I finish it that quickly) but any book. I got something in mind that will probably take a month or two to put together. Just need to get started...
  3. Enhance my book, Hunters - Rising. It's been edited by a couple people (really appreciate it!) and I'm currently working on a few more things. I want to add more depth and background to the characters and I'm drawing a map.
  4. Donate to charity...on my own, not through work - I'm thinking something related to education, medicine, or Wounded Warriors.
  5. Get involved with a group, whether it be online or in person - I was recently invited to join the BJJ Life Blog Team. I've submitted my first blog to them and am waiting for it to be edited and published online
  6. Contribute to Wikipedia - What can I add to it...should I be serious or satirical??
  7. Adopt a tsunami siren - Gotta get on this one
  8. Read “Aspects of a Novel” by E.M. Forster. It's a book recommended by James Franco, yes the same James Franco from the movies. He recommended it on a radio show I heard.
  9. Create and print a business card for myself - Gotta get on this one
  10. Teach somebody a skill - I've taught a few jiu-jitsu techniques but what I really have in mind here is teaching my girlfriend how to swim.
  11. Volunteer. On my own, not through work - Gotta get on this one too
  12. Drink something from the top shelf (hey, it wouldn't be me if there wasn't a liquor related goal would it?) - I had a shot of some fancy tequila with my brother a couple months ago. Forgot what the label was though...
  13. Read a classic - Ok I'm changing this goal. New goal is: Live each month on a budget. Yep, it's time to get my money handling under control, pay down debt, and save up for that whole “life” thing I keep hearing about.
  14. Read an author recommended book. It'd be interesting to see what my favorite authors read.
  15. Read a book about somebody great. Biography, autobiography...either works
  16. Surf a wave - There was a super swell this past week with waves reported at 50 feet. Yeah, I'll wait until they settle down to 1-2 feet, living is preferable.
  17. Mix a tropical fruit inspired cocktail (hey, another liquor-related goal!) - Gotta get on this one
  18. Win a medal in a jiu-jitsu competition - I haven't entered any competitions yet.
  19. Set a personal record in this year's Great Aloha Run - Ok this one is definitely not happening. I injured my ankle a month ago and currently I'm getting over a flu. Haven't been able to train at all.
  20. Go star gazing, find the Southern Cross or some other constellation - Gotta do this one
  21. Win a jiu-jitsu match in competition by submission - No competitions yet.
  22. Write for a magazine or newspaper - Gotta get on this
  23. Do an obstacle run (Warrior Dash, Spartan Race, or similar) for time. The prices of these things keeps increasing but it would still be fun.
  24. See a 20+ foot wave. As mentioned earlier, there was a super swell this past week with 50 foot waves. But I had the flu and couldn't leave home. Hopefully there will be another swell soon.
  25. Eat pancakes from Boots and Kimo - A friend told me a good time to go is in the afternoon around 2pm. I have the plan, just need to execute.
  26. Cook a seafood dish - I have to enjoy it too. Right now, I'm leaning toward some kind of fish.
  27. Read a book by William Faulkner - Need to request something from the library.
  28. Read a book of poetry by Billy Collins - Also need to request this from the library.
  29. Decorate my place with at least 3 pieces of art - I have a photo of a Van Gogh, a map of Middle Earth, and a poster of a zombie riddled with bullet holes (it was a target from a gun range) on the walls. More to come.
  30. Read a grammar handbook - I have the handbook, just need to open it...
  31. Draft Hunters 2 - Working on it. Currently on chapter 2.

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