Sunday, February 9, 2014

5-Day Veg Diet - Giving it a Shot

In my never-ending quest to be healthier I've recently learned about the overwhelming health benefits to having a plant-based diet. Plant-based? Is that like some kind of vegan thing? Yep! Basically, eat plants, fruits, whole grains, and avoid anything that comes from an animal. That means no meat, no dairy, none of the things that I really enjoy eating and taste really good. Man, that sounds rough...

Being honest with myself there's no way I could have a completely plant-based diet. I love pizza and steak too much to give it up. Then I heard about this 5-Day Veg thing. Maintain a plant-based eating routine for 5 days of the week and eat like normal the other 2 days. Okay that doesn't sound as bad. I can give this one a shot. But still, it's gonna be rough...

It began last Wednesday, and I'll be honest I felt sad on Tuesday night while chopping up a salad for lunch the next day. Never thought I'd miss a turkey sandwich so much. But my greatest challenge was yet to come: dinner.

What do I eat at night? Another salad? I don't think so! I had to surf online for some veggie dishes that were within my skill to prepare. I ended up cooking a mix of potatoes, kale, garlic, onions, and quinoa served over brown rice. Sounds disgustingly healthy. It tastes not too bad after using some seasonings. It's tolerable. I guess...

The plan is to try this 5-Day Veg thing for one month. Plant-based eating Monday through Friday, and go back to my normal diet on the weekends. I'm curious to see what changes come out of it. If my weight changes, my attitude toward eating changes, my ability to cook, energy levels. I'm even curious to see how it affects my budget. I'll be blogging about all of these and more over the next month. Please follow along, I'll need the help and encouragement.

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