Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dreams Come True?

Ever had a dream that became real? And I mean an actual dream you had while asleep, not something that you fantasize about becoming. A friend of mine...let's call him Billy...told me about a dream he had. He saw an old house sourrounded by trees. Nothing out of the ordinary right? But as he walked around the house he noticed something haning by a rope from one of the trees. As Billy got closer he noticed it was a dead body. Kinda creepy...

Sometime after the dream Billy was cruising around with his family and he came across the exact same house he saw in his dream. The house was the same color, old, and surrounded by trees just like the dream. Billy couldn't help but to check the place out and as he walked around the house he kept a close eye on the trees, or anything that might be hanging from them. Luckily, there was nothing hanging from the trees. But it's still weird that he came across something from a dream in real life.

This has happened to me a few times. I'll share one time while I lived in Tehachapi. I had a dream that there was a brand new car parked in the driveway. The car was red and sunlight gleamed off the corner of the rear bumper. A few weeks after the dream my parents had rented a car, for a reason I can't remember, and when I went to look at it I saw the vision from my dream. It was a red rental car, fairly new looking, and the late afternoon sun gleamed off of the rear bumper just like the dream. I remember thinking, "I've seen this" I remember taking the car for a drive. I had just gotten my learner's permit and the rental was an automatic. I was having a hard time with a manual transmission so it was nice to drive something that wouldn't stall on me.

Anyways, I was just thinking about coincidence and this dream/reality thing came to mind.

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