Sunday, January 9, 2011

Round 2!

I am sore from my neck to my toes. The jiu-jitsu class is fun as hell, but I get a little busted up sometimes. I was partnered up with Conrad today, who was the largest guy in today's class. He's got size, strength, and technique. He handled me easily. When we rolled I basically spent the whole time defending submissions. Exhuasting as hell. The self defense move we learned is kind of funny. It's a technique to escape from somebody who's got a hold from behind. Basically, you drop low and circle to their side. But then you pick the up guy in a way similar to  how you might pick up a small kid, and toss him behind you. It just looks funny seeing all of us fling our partners aside.

I gotta say, even though I get beaten easily I prefer rolling with the better guy. It pushes me harder and I learn a few new moves. My motto is: learn as I lose. So I'm learning a lot! I also signed up for the tournament next week. I want to lose a few pounds so I can be in a lighter weight division. Hopefully that works out. Most of all, I just hope to represent the school well.

Jiu Jitsu training is coming along well. I just got my own gi, and I got my first stripe. So now I'm a level 2 newbie. The Great Aloha Run is coming up in just over a month. Have to get myself ready to run 8 miles by then. But first thing first: get ready for next week's tournament!

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