Friday, January 20, 2012

Crazy Awesome Dream

I was walking through a foggy, misty bog. Visibility was low, only about forty feet. The air was muggy and humid. Ahead to the left loomed the figure of a large tree. It was bare of any leaves and the branches twisted outward. Except for a dark maroon vest, I was wearing all black. Black shirt, black pants, black boots, even black belt and shoelaces. I slowly walked along the muddy pathway keeping my senses sharp for whatever might be hiding in the mist.

I stopped, sensing something might be nearby. Taking a slow breath my mind cleared and became focused. I held my arms out to my sides, palms up, and began to elevate into the air. I moved forward as I rose about twenty feet high then smoothly arced back down to the ground, landing without a sound. I listened...there, a slight rustling to the right.

“I got 'em, He's over here!” somebody shouted. Through the mist the figure of a man emerged. He was dressed like me except his clothes were white and his vest was brown. He's after me, I thought.

I reached for the weapon at my hip and drew a light-saber. I raised it up and noticed my light-saber was red...uh oh, that means I'm the bad guy!

The guy charging me drew his light-saber, it was green...guess he's the good guy. We swung for each others heads, lunged for a killing strike, but neither of us could gain an upper hand. Then I heard other footsteps closing in. Two more guys in white charged for me. For a brief moment my opponent was distracted and I landed a kick to his gut knocking the wind out of him as he doubled over.

The other two were on me in seconds. I parried and avoided their attacks with ease. I moved quick...I wish I moved that well in real life...anyway, I held off my attackers until suddenly the lights came on. Turned out the misty bog was a set inside of an arena. There weren't any stands or bleachers, just walls with blacked-out windows at the top. Whoever was watching us was up there. A voice sounded overhead, “Ok that's enough everybody. Well done. Class is over.”

When I left the arena I found myself walking along an outdoor pathway. Then it hit me, I'm in a Jedi academy! Everybody here is learning the art of using the Force and wielding a light-saber. Hundreds of students studying to become Jedi. The class I was just in was a practical training class and I got to play the role of a Sith while three Jedi attempted to apprehend me. Three-on-one...I must be pretty good, I thought.

I walked along admiring my surroundings. The sky was bright and clear, to one side was a tall angular building made of glass, to the other side was a wide open field with a building on the other side. That's where I was heading.

A man that looked to be in his late thirties came alongside me. “Hey, you did pretty good in there. You'll make a good jedi yet.” I nodded my acknowledgment.

We passed by a group of first year students who whispered amongst themselves, pointing at us as we passed. I heard one of them say, “That's him, that's the guy who fought with Luke. Luke Skywalker!”

The man walking with me smiled, he was flattered to be recognized with such awe. “Off to the dorms then huh?” He asked. I nodded. “Give my regards to Luke. See you next class.”

We parted ways and I walked around the field to the building. There was nothing spectacular about it. A standard rectangular box made of stone, 5 floors high, with windows at each room. I went up a several flights of stairs to the top floor and there was Luke, the legendary Skywalker who brought balance to the force. He never went to college and decided to enroll at the academy to be officially educated in the Jedi arts. Nobody suspected he'd end up like this.

“Hey man.” Luke called, “come check this out it's super important!” It must have been the first day in the dorms because people all around were unpacking and introducing themselves. Luke, who seemed to resemble Uriah Faber...go figure...anyway, he led me into a room and sitting on the bed were two blonde girls chatting with each other. I looked around waiting for something to happen or to see something significant. Luke looked at me wide-eyed in shocked excitement.

“Coed dorms dude!!” Luke yelled. Yeah...nobody thought the legendary Skywalker would become a college junkie. He raised a hand for a high-five. I left.

I walked a while. The campus wasn't isolated being next to a city and it didn't take long for me to walk from the campus into some important, official, town square looking area. Up ahead I spotted a group of guards escorting Darth Vader in custody. Vader's helmet gleamed black with malice and his black cape was drawn around his entire body. I wondered, even if they have Vader's light-saber isn't he bad-ass enough to take out those guards on his own? Turns out the answer is yes.

Vader spun around and force-pushed all the guards away. He flung his arms up, letting his cape fly back to reveal what was underneath. His body gleamed with polished green armor...Darth Vader wore the armor of Master Chief from Halo!! He busted out two sub-machine guns and opened fire at us. I dove behind a pillar for cover. Bullets peppered the marble pillars and walls and bits of rock and dust flew in the air. I heard Vader laugh as he unloaded both guns. The shooting stopped. I peered out from behind the pillar and glimpsed Vader running off faster than anybody could catch him. Must be those Master Chief legs giving him a boost of speed.

I listened in to the guards, who were also Jedi, discuss the incident. “Did you see that? Vader had Spartan armor.” One said.

In the distance we made out Vader's figure running onto a Star Destroyer with a crew of Spartans.

“If the Spartans have allied with Vader, the Spartans may declare war on the Jedi!” another guard said.

“We can defeat them can't we? We have the power of the force on our side.”

“While that may be true, a single Spartan can conquer an entire world.”

That's about where the dream ended. Dang, a battle between Spartans and Jedi! That would be epic!! Who would win? I wish the dream kept going to see what happens next.

And if you're wondering what I was on before I had this dream: Nyquil, well a generic brand of Nyquil. That stuff messes me up...but gives me awesome Star Wars Halo dreams :)

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