Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Great Aloha Run Training: Week 2

This week I realized – or experienced, I should say because I already knew this – that when you go from running maybe once a week to running 4 times a week leads to pain. My shoulder is still giving me problems from an unknown jiu-jitsu injury, my left knee is sore, and now my lower back hurts. The lower back concerns me the most because that could sideline me from any type of physical activity. It's from running. I pushed too hard too early. My body didn't have enough time to adjust to the impact of running on pavement, hence why all the aches and pains. I knew I'd have to take it easy this week to let myself heal but I didn't want to do nothing at all so here's how last week went:

Tuesday - I ended work early so I went to Ala Moana for a run. I started at 3:30pm, the sun was still out. It's been a while since I've ran in the afternoon and it was nice to have the sun beaming down offering its warmth...yeah right, are you kidding? It was hot, sticky, and down right uncomfortable. I ran 4 miles or so, not really sure. I debated pushing the pace but ended up doing a maintenance run on account of my sore back. Oh, in case you don't know a “maintenance run” is running-lingo for an easy run at a steady pace. Hopefully I'll heal a bit more and I'll push the pace again later this week and on the weekend.
Part of Ala Moana Beach Park

Wednesday – Went to jiu-jitsu and rolled for 2 hours...there went the hope of taking it easy and healing a bit more. It's damn near impossible to take it easy at jiu-jitsu especially when there's a tournament coming up on the weekend. We did some pretty intense drills. I left with my back a little aggravated, my left ankle tweaked awkwardly somehow, and my big toe got smashed. The toe is still purple as I write this. Despite the added injuries it was a damn good workout. On the upside, my buddy Dan was rolling and he's a big time yoga guy and a personal trainer. I asked him how I can stretch my lower back. His advice: upward and downward dog every day. I've been doing those stretches daily and it's been helping a lot. He also recommended keeping up the stretching even after it's healed because those stretches will help prevent future injury. Good to know, thanks!

Thursday – Swam 400 yards at the Moanalua pool. I'm pretty jacked up from getting beat up on the mats Wednesday and my back is still sore but I wanted to do something active. I needed somethingwith little to no impact so I headed to the pool! The workout started off well but then the nagging shoulder injury reminded me it's still there when I started having problems with my arm strokes. I wanted to swim 1000+ yards but ended up cutting the it short at 400 yards. Hey, at least I did something right?

Friday – Maintenance run at Ala Moana. I ran a little under 3 miles at a very steady pace. I focused a lot on my form and trying to run smooth without so much bouncing up and down. Didn't have so much pain in my back and my knee felt okay. I should be good to pick it back up next week...I hope.

The week was sore and painful but at least I was able to keep up some decent training. Also, no joke about those yoga stretches, my back is feeling pretty good right now. I also picked up a good lower back exercise from a jiu-jitsu video I found on YouTube, which I've incorporated into my workout. A little strengthening should keep the soreness at it'll help prevent any long term injury, always a plus!

Odd as it sounds, the pain and injury was part of my workout plan. I knew my body would have to get used to the impact involved with running on concrete so my sores aren't a big surprise. I just think of it as growing pains...annoying but necessary. Although I was hoping they'd go away without so much fuss...

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