Monday, April 2, 2012

Insanity Workout - First 2 weeks

 I'm trying out the Insanity workout. Figured I'd throw in some variety into things and see if it really works. What appealed to me is the fact that no equipment is needed so I was ready to go.

Before I actually began the workouts I spent about two weeks reading and studying the nutrition guide. I figure in order to really do the Insanity workout I should follow all of it, the workouts 6 days a week and the nutrition part. The nutrition guide has a bunch of recipes and I went through all of them figuring out what I'd actually eat, putting together a grocery list, and planning out my meals.

With my meals planned out it was time to begin the workouts. I expected two things: to be really sore, and to be really hungry. After the first few days of working out I wasn't as sore as I thought I'd be. What a pleasant surprise. On the flip side I was hungrier than I thought I would be. Sure I'm eating 5 times a day but the portions are miniscule compared to what I've been used to. The first week was agonizing to say the least.

To give some perspective, part of the diet plan calls for vegetable juice so I got some V8. I don't like V8. But when it comes time to have it I'm so damn hungry I don't care and I down the thing eagerly. After a few days, I was starting to like V8.

Anyways, the workouts have been going well. It took almost a week to get through the warmup without taking a break – yeah, the warmup. I sweat like crazy. I need to rest all the time. But I noticed improvement in my performance almost daily. I still get tired as hell and need to take breaks but I'm not taking as many and I'm able to push through more of the exercises.

For those who are unfamiliar, Insanity is a series of high intensity exercises performed for a few minutes non-stop followed by a 30 second rest...and then it's back to the exercises. There's a lot of jumping, squatting, push-ups, and many more things that when done at high intensity leaves you dripping. Each workout begins with a warmup and stretching and ends with stretching. So far I haven't noticed any change in my flexibility.

The workouts are led by this guy named Shaun T (I guess saying the last initial sounds cooler than just calling him Shaun). He likes to ask “how y'all doin!” during the breaks. My reply is, “fricken horrible!” And yes, sometimes I really do say it out loud even though I'm by myself. Hopefully my reply changes in the next few weeks to “fricken awesome!”

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