Friday, April 6, 2012

Insanity Workout - Resisting Temptations

Still pushing through the Insanity workout and I'm doing fairly well. I haven't missed a workout and I'm getting better with each day. But this blog isn't about the workouts. It's about something far more grueling: the food.

That's right, Insanity isn't just working out it's also about eating right. That's something I haven't done so well with in the past. Hey, I love pizza, cake, ice cream, and dipping things in Ranch Dressing. And portion control? Forget it! If I'm still feeling hungry, I'm gonna keep eating. There's one more piece left? I'll take it! Well that's had to change since I began Insanity...and it sucks.

My diet now consists of 5 meals a day with two snacks. Sounds like a lot right? Well no...the portion sizes have been reduced drastically. It's like, one slice of whole grain bread, three slices of turkey, a slice of tomato and lunch is served. I was fricken starving for the whole first week.

Knowing how challenging it would be for me to adjust me eating habits, I quickly realized how easy it would be for me to stray from them and dive right back into pizza. Time to get practical. There's no way I'm following the 5 meal a day program perfectly. There's no way I'm holing myself up for 2 months, isolating myself from my friends, to keep away from fast foods and desserts. Nope, there will be times I'll have to exercise some will power and resist temptation...or at least keep from full on gorging myself.

Week one brought my first test. A barbeque at a friend's house. Of course I'm gonna go. What to be aware of: meat, rice, more meat, beer, and more rice. I kept in mind some advice from a fitness trainer who told me to eat something healthy first before going for the less healthy things. So before I left my house I ate a banana hoping it would fill me up enough to resist overeating. Normally at these kinds of barbeques I'll have two burgers, lots of steak, some chicken, 2 scoops of rice, and at least 3 beers. This time I was able to keep it to 2 pieces of chicken, half a scoop of rice, a burger patty, and one beer. Not too bad...definitely not part of the meal plan, but not too bad.

More recently, the challenge has been Easter. Cadbury Cream Eggs, god I love those things. Since they're seasonal I usually stock up on a Costco size pallet of them before they go away. Not this year. I've only bought 8 of them. The downside is that I've received a bagful of candy from friends and co-workers. I left it at work so those sweet delicious treats can't taunt me at home.

Another challenge: happy hour! What can I say, I like my drink. Admittedly, I'm not really handling this one too well. I haven't cut down my average intake too much. Sure I only had one beer that first bbq, but we've had a couple more since then. I managed to stay away from the beer and swapped it for my homemade whiskey cocktails. I like to think my whiskey drinks have less calories than beer, but I really don't know.

Everyday I continue to resist the urge to feast on a large pizza wreathed with Cadbury Cream Eggs. At least the constant hunger is waning and I'm getting used to this whole controlled eating thing. But it's a struggle. I figure as long as I can follow the Insanity nutrition guidelines at least 80% of the time it'll be a success. And so far I'm doing that much. Just gotta keep it up.

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