Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What's Your Elevator Pitch?

And the question is:
"So what do you do?" - such a tough question because I'm tempted to answer with what I do to make a living (aka my job). Come to think of it, I've never really answered this question with something other than my job, probably because most people I come across ask "where do you work" instead of "what do you do?" But my job is what I do to make money, it's not what do so this is a new thing for me. Time to give it a shot:

I'm a storyteller. I really like sharing my ideas and the ideas of others in the hope that people find them useful.
I could end the pitch there or I could add in the following:
Reading a good book is one of my favorite hobbies and I hope that one day the stories I create will connect with readers as well.

If they ask what kind of ideas do you share?

A wide range of topics but my favorites are about personal finance and physical fitness. They seem a little unrelated but in my experience the two really seem to tie together. When there's less stress about money people tend to be healthier overall. Do you find that to be true?

If they ask what are some of your favorite books?

I really like The Hobbit. But to be honest my favorite genre would have to be children's books like Harry Potter and The Rangers Apprentice. I especially like the work Rick Riordan does, he's the one who wrote The Lightning Thief. Riordan has a way of telling a fun story that also teaches readers about mythology.

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